During my first year I completed an industrial design module. This module came in two parts. The first was to create a CAD representation of a material handling device. The later was to complete an ergonomic investigation/evaluation of the cabin.

To begin as part of a four-man team, we chose the device we wanted to evaluate. After talking to some family friends who worked at JCB, they pointed us in the direction of a Loadall. They were also able to aid us in our ergonomic evaluation listing us negatives they have encountered through the use of the device. As a team we visited JCB to get a personal insight of our device. We also took measurements and photos to help us model the device in NX. 

Once the model was completed, we exported the cabin into Sammie, a ergonomic evaluation program. This allowed us to fully evaluate the cabin, from posture, seating position to view and comfort. Taking a particular focus on vision we made certain conclusions which led us to making alternative initial designs for how we could improve the issues raised. The sides show rendered views of the material handling device, as well as screenshots of our ergonomic evaluation.

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